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What was the Lex de Imperio Vespasiani?

What was the Lex de Imperio Vespasiani?

The Lex de imperio Vespasiani (CIL VI 930, 31207=ILS 244) is an epigraphic text on a bronze tablet, now partially lost, containing part of a law that granted some or all powers of the emperor to Vespasian in the year 70 ce. The text appears to be a piece of comitial legislation.

What was so important about the Lex de imperio Vespasiani?

determination of imperial powers en bloc with the famous Lex de Imperio Vespasiani (“Law Regulating Vespasian’s authority”), and the Assembly ratified the Senate’s action. This apparently was the first time that such a law was passed; a fragmentary copy of it is preserved on the Capitol in Rome.

What is the lex de imperio Vespasiani?

La lex de imperio Vespasiani è una legge ( senatoconsulto) romana approvata dal Senato il 22 dicembre dell’anno 69 d.C e ratificata pro forma dai comizi, riguardante la definizione del potere e delle prerogative del princeps Vespasiano rispetto a quelle del Senato stesso.

What was the first law to regulate Vespasian?

… en bloc with the famous Lex de Imperio Vespasiani (“Law Regulating Vespasian’s authority”), and the Assembly ratified the Senate’s action. This apparently was the first time that such a law was passed; a fragmentary copy of it is preserved on the Capitol in Rome.

Is Vespasian’s Acta prior to the Lex valid?

Further, the final clause, in validating Vespasian’s acta prior to the lex, implies that all his subsequent acta will owe their validity to the lex; hence it is the lex, and the senatus consultum incorporated therein, which has given him the totality of imperial authority; yet that was surely conferred on him

Does the lex de imperio cover the period of Vitellius’ usurpation?

If it was already normal for the ‘ lex de imperio ‘ to contain a clause like VIII, originally to cover the period between recognition at Rome and comitial enact- ment, it would of course (as drafted) equally have covered the period of Vitellius’ usurpation. So too clause VIII covers the acta of Vespasian since his proclamation in the east on i July