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How do I query a table using a db link?

How do I query a table using a db link?

To do this, simply append the database link name to the name of any table or view that is accessible to the remote account. When appending the database link name to a table or view name, you must precede the database link name with an @ sign.

How do I select a table from a schema?

Using the Information Schema


How do I select a database connection?

In the Connections navigator in SQL Developer, right-click the Connections node and select New Connection. The New / Select Database Connection dialog box appears, with the Oracle tab displayed. Enter the following information: In the Connection Name field, enter the name to use for this database connection.

How copy data from one table to another in PL SQL?

AS SELECT … “which allows you copy data from one table to another without predefining the target table. CREATE TABLE target_table As SELECT * FROM source_table; If you want to create a copy of source table without copying the data then you can just add where clause that will not select any data.

How can I get table from database in SQL Server?

SQL command to list all tables in Oracle

  1. Show all tables owned by the current user: SELECT table_name FROM user_tables;
  2. Show all tables in the current database: SELECT table_name FROM dba_tables;
  3. Show all tables that are accessible by the current user:

How do I connect to a local database in Oracle SQL Developer?

Configure Oracle SQL Developer Cloud Connection

  1. Run Oracle SQL Developer locally. The Oracle SQL Developer home page displays.
  2. Under Connections, right click Connections.
  3. Select New Connection.
  4. On the New/Select Database Connection dialog, make the following entries:
  5. Click Test.
  6. Click Connect.
  7. Open the new connection.

How do I transfer data from one database to another in Oracle?

When copying between Oracle databases, you should use SQL commands (CREATE TABLE AS and INSERT) or you should ensure that your columns have a precision specified. The USING clause specifies a query that names the source table and specifies the data that COPY copies to the destination table.

How can I create a table from another table without data in Oracle?

Question: How can I create an Oracle table from another table without copying any values from the old table? Answer: To do this, the Oracle CREATE TABLE syntax is: CREATE TABLE new_table AS (SELECT * FROM old_table WHERE 1=2);

How do you SELECT a table in SQL?


  1. SELECT column1, column2, FROM table_name;
  2. SELECT * FROM table_name;
  3. Example. SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers;
  4. Example. SELECT * FROM Customers;

How do you SELECT all tables from a database?

Then issue one of the following SQL statement:

  1. Show all tables owned by the current user: SELECT table_name FROM user_tables;
  2. Show all tables in the current database: SELECT table_name FROM dba_tables;
  3. Show all tables that are accessible by the current user:

Can I access my Oracle database from home?

Answer: On a Windows machine the Oracle home information can be found in the system registry. To look at the homes use this workflow: 1. From your PC, click Start | Run 2. In the Run dialog box, type “regedit” and press Return 3. The registry will now be displayed 4. Expand the folder called [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]SOFTWAREORACLE

How to create and use database link in Oracle?

Setup PostgreSql User: We will create user fdw_user and provides it with ALL grants on the public schema of postgres database.

  • Install PostgreSql ODBC Drivers: Use OS command yum install postgresql-odbc to install PostgreSQL ODBC drivers.
  • Edit odbc.ini fileest DSN’s connectivity: Create file odbc.ini under/etc directory.
  • How to create a database link?

    Setup MySql User in MySQL Cluster

  • Install MySQL ODBC Drivers in Oracle Server
  • Edit odbc.ini fileest DSN’s connectivity in Oracle Server
  • Create initMYSQL.ora file in Oracle Server
  • Configure tnsname.ora&listener.ora file in Oracle Server
  • Create DB Linkest Connectivity in Oracle Server
  • How can I Create Read only database link in Oracle?

    What Are Database Links?

  • Why Use Database Links?
  • Global Database Names in Database Links
  • Names for Database Links
  • Types of Database Links
  • Users of Database Links
  • Creation of Database Links: Examples
  • Schema Objects and Database Links
  • Database Link Restrictions