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What is use of $rootScope?

What is use of $rootScope?

All applications have a $rootScope which is the scope created on the HTML element that contains the ng-app directive. The rootScope is available in the entire application. If a variable has the same name in both the current scope and in the rootScope, the application uses the one in the current scope.

How do I prepare for Angular interview?

Tips for preparing for your interview The following tips can help you prepare for your Angular interview: Stay up-to-date with various programming languages, including JavaScript, TypeScript and HTML coding, as working within Angular can require the use of different language applications.

What is difference between AngularJS and Angular?

Angular JS, based on JavaScript, uses terms of scope and controllers while Angular uses a hierarchy of components. Angular is component-based while AngularJS uses directives.

What is DSL in angular?

A domain-specific language (DSL) is a computer language specialized to a particular application domain. Angular has its own Domain Specific Language (DSL) which allows us to write Angular specific html-like syntax on top of normal html.

What is AOT in Angular?

The Angular ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler converts your Angular HTML and TypeScript code into efficient JavaScript code during the build phase before the browser downloads and runs that code. Compiling your application during the build process provides a faster rendering in the browser.

What are filters in angular?

AngularJS Filters

  • currency Format a number to a currency format.
  • date Format a date to a specified format.
  • filter Select a subset of items from an array.
  • json Format an object to a JSON string.
  • limitTo Limits an array/string, into a specified number of elements/characters.
  • lowercase Format a string to lower case.

What does AOT stand for in Angular?

Angular ahead-of-time
The Angular ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler converts your Angular HTML and TypeScript code into efficient JavaScript code during the build phase before the browser downloads and runs that code.